

Hardy chrysanthemums are the perfect plants to keep your garden and landscape looking fresh and colorful throughout the fall season!

Chrysanthemums, commonly known as mums, are smothered with hundreds of gorgeous blossoms for weeks from late summer through fall. They come in a wide variety of colors and can grow to be 2-3' tall, depending on the variety of plant and the growing conditions. Mums gradually expand outward by sending up new shoots. They are never invasive, and can be long-lived if properly cared for.  

Mums flower best in full sun, but usually accept partial shade as well. Fertile soil, rich in organic matter is best; and it is critical that the soil be perfectly drained in winter. Plants should be spaced 18' to 24" apart.

Divide and transplant every other spring. When a mature plant needs dividing, wait until it's at least 3" tall in the spring.  Dig up and pull apart, selecting sturdy shoots. Transplanted shoots should be space 12" apart.  Cut or pinch 3/4" from the top of new divisions.

Start tip-pinching your mums in spring when plants are about 6" tall.  Repeat the process until early summer every time the stems make 6-8" of new growth.

Fertilize regularly throughout the growing season.  In late summer, fertilize every 10 days.  Also, use mulch to keep roots cool and conserve moisture.

Cover your mums during the winter with mulch, leaves, or straw.  However, guard against excess moisture as they will rot quickly in cold, soggy soil.  

Dammann's Garden Company is proud to offer over 40 varieties of Indiana Grown mums!  Our customers have the choice of colors ranging from white to dark red. Our inventory includes 6", 10", and 14" tub sizes along with hanging baskets.

The mums you plant, once established, will provide you with vibrant fall color and lots of smiles as they make their appearance year after year!      


Mattew Dammann